Any person who borrows a book or any other library material from the Library must own a library card from Alpena County Library. Alpena County Library cards are available free to all people who live in or pay taxes in Alpena County provided they have a permanent address. Cards will be issued to out–of–district patrons with a driver’s license or other identification at an annual fee of $25.00. The borrower is responsible for all materials checked out on their card. The library must be notified of the loss of a library card.
The Alpena County Library requires official photo identification showing the resident’s name and permanent address.
The following will be accepted:
Michigan driver’s license or State ID card with current Alpena County address or, a picture ID with proof of residency shown by one of the following:
○ car registration
○ utility bill
○ copy of lease or mortgage
○ copy of property tax statement
○ postmarked mail
There are two types of library cards:
Juvenile: Issued to individuals through age 17 and entitle the holder to use all materials with the exception of Educational Media and Videos/DVDs.
Adult: Issued upon reaching age 18. Adult cards entitle the holder to use all available materials.
Persons under 12 years of age must have the signature of a parent or guardian on their application cards in order to be issued a card. If the parent/guardian is not a current ACL card holder, the parent/guardian must show the same proofs of residency as required above.
Non–resident students enrolled in Alpena County schools are eligible to register for a library card.
Patrons who live in Alpena County but who do not have proof of address yet may register for a library card either online or in person that will be sent via the USPS. Successful receipt of the card will serve as proof of address. To apply for a TEMPORARY card online, click here.
The Alpena County Library reserves the right to refuse a card to a person for failure to meet the above requirements.