The Library is happy to announce our new Director, Debra Greenacre!


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Please fill out this form to reserve a meeting room.

Note: Receipt of the application does not guarantee availability. The application must be reviewed by the
Meeting Room Coordinator for availability, confirmation and fees. Confirmation and fees will be sent once
the room has been reserved.

Meeting Room Disclaimer

The Library is a community resource providing access to information and a facility where ideas are exchanged. To encourage this, meeting rooms are maintained in the library for both library and community use.

The library neither endorses nor necessarily agrees with the views expressed by any group using the meeting rooms, but does endorse the right of those groups to express their views as long as they abide by the policies and rules governing the use of the Library.

All publicity for non-library sponsored meetings must clearly indicate the name of the sponsoring agency and include the bolded paragraph above in any advertising. The activity shall not be publicized in such a way as to imply Library sponsorship or Library identification with the group without the approval of the Board of Trustees. (Publicity must NOT give out the library’s phone number).

Use of the conference room is booked on a first-come, first-serve basis. Reservations other than library programming may not be made more than 3 months in advance unless an unusual situation occurs, at which time it will be up to the discretion of the Director to make an exception.

Depending upon availability, a maximum of 4 program dates per year may be requested by nonprofit groups or organizations.

Meetings will always have at least one adult present who is responsible for the participant’s conduct. An adult is a person 21 years of age or older.

Note: If presenter is using an Apple device(s) please call to verify the Library has suitable accomodation.   The Library reserves the right to modify or to cancel any reservation. All groups must call 30 days prior to event to confirm space and equipment reservation.